Make a Trusted App in your GSuite

Jennifer Preston


on September 12, 2019

The safest way to give your GSuite users access to 3rd Party Applications such as is to whitelist them within your GSuite Admin Panel.

To do so login to GSuite as a Super Administrator.

Trusted App in your GSuite
  • Click on the APPS Tab
  • then Configure New App
  • Click OAuth App Name or ClientID
GSuite as a Super Administrator setup
  • Search for OAuth App Name / Client ID (This is the App Google Client ID)
  • Click Search
GSuite Google API controls search

Select from the list

Give “Can access all Google Services”. Note: This does NOT give access to any Google Services of yours. It only gives the ABILITY for a corporate user to grant access to for THEIR account. You are whitelisting an app to be allowed to access your data, you are not giving any permissions to your data at this time.

Trusted App in your GSuite

Click Configure and Save.

To confirm everything saved properly open up the detail page in your Google Admin section and make sure it shows “Trusted: Can Access all Google Services”. Make sure you SAVE your selection

Trusted App in your GSuite

This will ensure that will now be a trusted application that your Salesreps can opt into.

Note: This does NOT give Access to any data, rather it just makes it so that when your Users connect to (via optin) there are no additional steps or verifications required to connect.

This process is NOT required if you have your GSuite connected to via a Service Account.

If you have any questions or problems please reach out to .

This article has been updated as of October 2021 to reflect the new Google Admin Interface.

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