Slow Down, Get Smart, Get Rich

Virinchi Duvvuri


on February 20, 2018

We want to “shorten the cycle”, to close deals faster and with fewer headaches. We’d like to find the Decision Makers on our first call, and get them to say “Yes!” as quickly as possible. We want more and bigger deals, no discounts, no committee reviews, no procurement backlogs. No reasons for the customer to delay.

What we don’t realize is that sometimes the long road is actually worth it. The journey of Discovery, that journey of a thousand questions, allows us to more fully understand and appreciate the customers’ point of view, their problems, their desired solutions.

In traveling that path with the customer, in being their guide to the solution, we gain insights and build relationships that are worth every minute invested. That shared experience with them yields better fruit in the short term, and more fruit for the long term.

Sure, there are times (like the end of a quarter) when we want (need) deals to close expediently. Better to build a pipeline of opportunities that allows us to be trusted guides, more often taking the long way. Not relying on the hope of a short sales cycle, but focusing on the long term. That’s the work that’s worth doing.

One of my colleagues, Brad Moore, has this to say about slowing down to get better and bigger deals:

A number of years ago, as we approached the end of not only the quarter but the year, one of our marquee prospects was seemingly on the verge of pulling the trigger on a high 6-figure deal. The rep was chomping at the bit to close what would have been her largest deal, and was pressing me hard to find avenues (read: “discounts”) that would push us over the finish line.

After some encouragement that we didn’t need discounts, but the true currency of the moment was information, we arranged another meeting to dig more deeply into the impact our solution would have over the coming months, if not years.

That meeting delayed our project through the end of the year, and the rep was beside herself. However, good news: the deal expanded to be a 7 figure deal, and our patience paid off rather nicely.

Net-net: we slowed down, got smarter and got richer as a result.

Side note: The rep blew out her number for the following quarter as a result of this strategy.

How will slowing down help you get better deals? Do you have the insights necessary to understand what deals need your help and what reps are struggling?

Let me know if you want to chat for 15 minutes and I can take you through how has helped me SLOW DOWN to get BIGGER and BETTER deals.

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