As a Sales Leader you are constantly trying to understand what the status of deals are, are they on track or not, and what can be done to move them up or out. provides many tools around this including the Chat Assistant for Reps via SMS or Slack as well as Opportunity Management within the system itself.
But, what about when you need to get an update on a deal that is stalled? You notice the Account Executive hasn’t engaged with your Prospect in a few weeks. What’s going on? What you probably do today is email or call your Rep and ask them what is going on.
Now you can simple navigate to the Opportunity and click the new “Request Update” button. This will:
- Send the Rep an email from you asking them for an update
- Their reply gets logged as a Next Step on the Opportunity
- AND you also receive an email with the update
Neat? Try it for yourself today!
Special Thanks to Mike @ JD Power for requesting this feature.
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