How To Close a Deal Over Text
The Answer is you can’t and you shouldn’t. But……
In today’s world of immediate gratification and second-by-second updates that come directly to the phones in our pockets – it is tempting to accelerate the sales process with your prospects and try to close the deal as fast as possible – over text.
The reality is that it takes time to build a relationship with your prospects and your customers. To begin with, you might have done a cold outreach to the prospect via an email or over the telephone. In these early days you are still asking for permission to get their attention. It takes time, patience and creativity to get the prospect’s attention for more than 30 seconds.
From there – you probably have a sales process that is defined by a series of steps and stages that define “what you should be doing next.” It might be an email follow-up, a phone call, a handwritten note, a proposal or the final contract. Whatever your process is – it is defined either by your manager or perhaps you collaborated with them on defining the process. We are going to go out on a limb and say that unless you are a retail sales person or a cell phone sales person – that your sales process probably doesn’t include texting your prospect.
But what if it did? What if you “sort of” could do this?
Let us explain.
An important component of sales is to follow-up on verbal commitments made by the customer over the phone. If you are traveling you might take the customer call while in the cab or Uber on the way to the airport. Because your CRM requires you to log each step – you might make a note or set a task to “Send Follow-up To Prospect.” Or, you just might send them a text from your phone while boarding the plane (and not being logged in the CRM). Either way – you still need to log the activity in your CRM (which you may or may not remember to do).
But here is a better idea – what if you could work freely and naturally from your phone while traveling with the confidence that your email correspondences were automagically updating your CRM as well?
Imagine a technology that empowered your reps to continue to work naturally while away from their desk without sacrificing their need to update CRM? can do this for you.
After you got the verbal agreement and hang up with your prospect, imagine sending them an email (from your phone) that is confirming the agreement and thanking them for their decision. Then, imagine that scans the email and looks for the specific content that matches the sales activity your boss demands AND UPDATES THE CRM AUTOMATICALLY? will know that you followed-up with the customer and will move the opportunity to the next stage and even set the next action for you – because the AI engine will know when you send that text via email and it will do the rest of the work for you.
So that is how you close a deal using text! You build the relationship with the customer – and you let do the rest!